Autism Votes

 December 16, 2014

We believe that there will be a vote on the Senate floor as early as Wednesday for the ABLE Act – which will allow families to save for their child’s adult living expenses and allow your adult child with a disability to save more than $2,000 in an account without losing other benefits like Social Security or Medicaid services.
We are one step away from the President’s desk, but passing the Senate requires 60 votes, not just a majority. We need all hands on deck to make these two calls today and tomorrow to BOTH of your Senators.
Even if your Senators are among the 78 cosponsors of the legislation, we cannot take that for granted. So make both calls, send emails and activate 5 of your friends and family. Let’s get this done for all of our kids with disabilities and finish the year strong!
Here is How YOU Can Help:

1) CALL BOTH OF YOUR SENATORS!DIAL: 888.329.5212 or visit:

Select a senator then we will connect you directly to their office. Say:
"I am calling to ask my Senator to vote YES on the ABLE Act and pass the bill."
2) AFTER YOU CALL BOTH SENATORS, SEND THEM EMAILS! To make this easy, we already have the emails filled out for you. If you want to personalize your message you can, or simply sign and send it HERE.

3) ACTIVATE 5 FRIENDS TO SEND EMAILSTag 5 of your friends and family members in an action post on your Facebook asking them to help pass this historic legislation:
ATTENTION FRIENDS! WE ARE READY FOR A VOTE! Please help me pass legislation that will allow families to save for the future of their adult children who have disabilities. You can help by simply sending an email on the link below. It takes less than 1 minute to make our kids’ future brighter.
We are so close after 8 years of hard work.  We know it is a busy season for everyone but take 2 minutes and let’s get The ABLE Act on the way to President Obama’s desk to become law once and for all.
Keep calm and dial on!
Shelley Hendrix
National Director, Grassroots Development
Autism Speaks


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